How do lawyers work with other professionals, such as accountants, consultants, and technology experts, to provide comprehensive legal advice to their clients? The following will give a short answer to that question, but read on to the end to learn an interesting additional fact!

Lawyers often work closely with other professionals, such as accountants, consultants, and technology experts, to provide comprehensive legal advice to their clients. This collaboration allows them to address complex legal issues from various angles and offer more effective solutions. Here’s how lawyers typically work with these professionals:

  • Accountants: Lawyers frequently collaborate with accountants, especially in matters related to taxation, financial transactions, and corporate law. Lawyers rely on accountants to provide expertise in financial analysis, tax planning, and compliance. By working together, they can ensure that legal strategies align with the client’s financial goals and comply with relevant accounting standards.
  • Consultants: Consultants bring specialized knowledge and expertise in specific industries or business functions. Lawyers may collaborate with consultants to gather industry-specific insights, conduct market research, and assess the potential impact of legal decisions on the client’s business. This collaboration helps lawyers provide more tailored legal advice that takes into account the unique circumstances of the client’s industry.
  • Technology Experts: With the increasing integration of technology in various aspects of business and law, lawyers often team up with technology experts to address legal issues related to data privacy, intellectual property, cybersecurity, e-discovery, and more. These experts assist lawyers in understanding complex technological concepts and implementing technology-driven legal solutions. Lawyers work with them to assess risks, develop strategies, and ensure legal compliance in the rapidly evolving technological landscape.

The collaboration between lawyers and these professionals typically involves ongoing communication, knowledge-sharing, and coordination. Lawyers may engage these professionals as independent consultants, or they may have in-house experts as part of their law firms. By leveraging the expertise of these professionals, lawyers can offer more comprehensive and well-rounded legal advice to their clients, taking into account the financial, business, and technological aspects of the matters at hand.

We have all read or heard about artificial intelligence, or “AI” and how it is changing the way we do business. One emerging AI tool is Chat GPT, a natural language processing tool developed by Open AI, a tech company. Among other things, you can pose a question or request to Chat GPT and it will quickly draft a response based on its ability to scan the internet and other resources. Its responses aren’t always a literary gem, and should be fact-checked if you are using it as part of your work, but it usually gives you a good first draft quickly. How quickly? I posed the question at the top of this post to Chat GPT and it generated the five paragraphs after the query in less than 30 seconds! Is it the best-ever article on this topic? Maybe not? Is it written in my own “voice” that I like to write in? Not really. But my point is that it produced a pretty decent first draft (what you see above, unedited) much faster than I could have produced it.

This has the potential to be a huge timesaver for all of us who need to write or generate content, and the possible uses are expanding every day, for lawyers such as myself and everyone else. Of course, there are and will be downsides, malicious uses, and other negatives, as there are with all new technologies, but the potential is very exciting.