The Benefits Of Convertible Notes

The Benefits Of Convertible Notes

Imagine an entrepreneur. Though they may have a life-changing idea for a business that could take over an industry or market, they still need capital. There is not enough of a track record to generate a valuation for the company during these very early stages.  Rather...

Classifying Your Workers Correctly

There can be severe financial consequences for improperly classifying your workers. When some people begin a business, they view calling those providing services independent contractors as a means to save money. Though this is entirely understandable because...
Guide For Protecting Trade Secrets

Guide For Protecting Trade Secrets

Consider this: Coca-Cola generates over $30 billion in revenue annually. Imagine that someone has a magic wand and makes all of Coke’s physical assets disappear, its office buildings, plants, distribution centers, etc. Even if that were to happen, Starbucks is still...
Why You Should Create An Employee Handbook

Why You Should Create An Employee Handbook

Regardless of the size of your company, establishing clear policies and expectations is a wise investment of your time and effort. While an employee handbook is valuable for your employees, it offers your business protection as well. Your employees can learn about...